boys team charity, Oak City League

Prospective Membership Information

Our membership year runs from May 1 to April 30 of each year.


If you are interested in applying for membership for the year beginning May 1, 2024,

please mark your calendar for March 4, 2024 through March 11, 2024 when prosptective members may apply.


We will be hosting an informational session with btc Raleigh League

(btc Raleigh is the btc league for families zoned for one of these elementary schools EAST of Glenwood Ave: Brooks, Conn, Joyner, Root, and Underwood)

and will post the date and time very soon so check back!

Contact founding President Ashleigh Black
 for more information. 

Mission Statement 

boys team charity is a volunteer service organization dedicated to developing an altruistic spirit in young men through active participation of parents and sons in philanthropic projects in their communities.



  1. Serve the Community: Develop a sense of social responsibility.

  2. Promote Personal Growth: Build self esteem and a giving spirit.

  3. Strengthen Family Relationships:  Deepen bonds with parents by working together in boys team charity.

  4. Develop Leadership Skills:  Cultivate respect and an appreciation of others by working as a team, developing leadership skills, and creating friendships.

  5. Provide Educational Opportunities:  Provide young men with experiences that foster their community responsibilities and goals.


Facts & Requirements

•  Boys are “TeamMates” and Parents are “Coaches

  Our annual operating year is May 1st through April 30th 

  Prospective members may apply to join btc anytime during the annual Prospective Membership Drive during their 7th through 11th grade year. Boys are assigned to “teams” by the grade which they will enter in the fall of that membership year. 

•  There are approximately 28 boys in each team (by grade) with vacancies filled during the annual Prospective Membership Drive by random draw as they are available. We maintain a waitlist of interested candidates should we not have openings in a particular team.

 btc has three (3) General Membership meetings per year (typically May, September, and January) that both the boy and parent(s) should attend (a minimum of two (2) is required).

 btc has three (3) additional grade level meetings per year that the boy only should attend (a minimum of two (2) is required).

  Annual minimum Philanthropy Hours requirements for both boys & parent(s): 

            Grade  7, 8, & 9........................15 hours each*
            Grade 10, 11, & 12....................10 hours each*

       * Coaches with more than 1 active TeamMate must do Philanthropy Hours of youngest son.


  Annual minimum League Hours requirements for boys & parent(s): 6 hours minimum each (earned by attending general and grade level meetings as mentioned above)

•  Approximate Annual Financial Requirements:
                   TeamMate plus one or two Coaches (parents).........$150
Additional TeamMate...........................................$75



President: Ashleigh Black

VP Coaches: Ashley Silverman

VP Communications: Beth Popp

VP Membership: Tucker Andrews

VP Philanthropy: Amy Watkins

VP TeamMates: Anna Roach

Parliamentarian: Melissa Abrams

Secretary: Sarah Noah

Treasurer: Emily Perry


For more information, please use the Contact Us tab.